Get a Rich Bitch Jumpstart Session Today and Gain Financial Freedom

You’re in the right place if you dream of…

  • Financial Freedom: Build multiple streams of income that support your lifestyle, allowing you to live abundantly and stop trading time for money.
  • Time Freedom: Work less, play more, and spend time on what truly matters to you.
  • Location Freedom: Live and work from any location that satisfies your soul.
  • People Freedom: Surround yourself with a tribe that uplifts and aligns with your vision.

And right now you may be struggling with:

  • Feeling trapped in a job or financial situation that drains your energy and keeps you from living your true purpose, knowing that there’s more to life than just making ends meet.
  • Feeling overwhelmed with your finances and not knowing where to start, leaving you anxious and stuck in financial confusion.
  • Despite working hard, not seeing the financial progress you desire, and feeling like money, or the lack of it, controls you—slipping right through your fingers when it comes in.
  • Experiencing anxiety over financial instability, constantly worrying about money and fearing that one wrong move could derail your dreams or force you to compromise your values.
Book Your Free Session Now!

Imagine a Life Where You're Fully Dialed into Your Rich Bitch Potential

Imagine waking up every day knowing that your financial decisions are empowering and aligned with your ultimate vision. How would it feel to have multiple streams of income flowing effortlessly, allowing you to live a life of adventure, connection, and abundance?



Like my client, Diana, who is now ...
  • "Living my best life without feeling encumbrances of limitation, fear, or shame. Showing up fully in all areas of my life without holding back or feeling 'bad' about who I am or what I have. Enjoying the abundance I have worked for and created without apology or making myself small.


Like my client, Sarah, who is now...
  • "I have left behind what people think of me. I live in a fuck-free zone now. I also know and feel everything will be ok! Traveling, making enough money to pay off my debt and just live a peaceful, joy-filled & simple life!" 


Like my client, Carol, who is now...
  • "I'm living from a place of grace and ease. I am free to move about the planet. Basking in Mother Nature's beauty and sharing ancient wisdom remotely. Allowing myself to create, play and get paid in a way that serves the highest and greatest good for all."



  • I enjoy multiple streams of residual income that flow with ease.
  • I get paid lavishly for being me while traversing between my quaint NY home, a shared tree farming venture with my Love, a serene beach house in Costa Rica, traveling all over the US while doing van life and all over the world for skiing, biking and pilgrimages.
  • And of course, making room for my next uplevel- EKKK- I can't wait to see how the Universe blows my mind this time.


Ready to transform your financial reality?


Book Your FREE 60-Minute

Rich Bitch Jumpstart Session Now

Start Your Journey to Financial Freedom Today! 


This private, 1-on-1 session is designed to set you on the fast track to financial freedom.

Here's what we'll accomplish together: 

Craft Your Ultimate Financial Vision:

We'll define a vivid, detailed vision of your financial success—so clear you can almost touch it. This vision will serve as your North Star, guiding every step you take towards your financial goals.   


Identify and Eliminate Hidden Obstacles: 

We'll dig deep to uncover the unseen barriers and self-sabotaging patterns that are holding you back and repelling money. Together, we'll dismantle these blocks to unlock your full earning potential.


Leave Renewed and Inspired:

End the session feeling renewed, re-energized, and inspired to achieve financial freedom faster and easier than you ever thought possible.


Book Your Free Session Now!


A visionary in my forties, I’m a mother, adventurer, and a relentless seeker of authenticity. My life is a vibrant tapestry woven from dreams into reality, marked by globe-trotting adventures and deep, meaningful connections that affirm the power of living true to oneself.

For over 18 years, I thrived in the personal finance realm:

  • Budget Coach - 
    • Crafting and teaching  my unique method to hundreds  and is part of my Money Courses
  • Independent Landlord 
    • I average owning about 3 rentals at a time 
  • Tropical Airbnb in Costa Rica were I spend about 2+months a year and steadily increasing
  • Hand Money Lending
  • Mortgage Loan Officer

Eight years ago, I had enough and had a taste of what was possible: MY FREEDOM - I tore up the scripts! I break free from a co-dependent marriage, and STOPPED PLAYING BY THE BULLSHIT RULES.

Five years ago, I embraced my calling as an Energy Healer, intuitive guide, and a conduit of the Divine.

With a track record of guiding over a hundred souls through their own transformative journeys

 I've transformed what once were just dreams into the bedrock of my daily life. I'm here to guide you to do the same.